
Wildtracks Belize is a well established conservation organization, and has been working toward the sustainable future of the natural resources of Belize since its establishment in 1990.  Wildtracks achieves results through strengthening national and site level conservation of ecosystems and species, building engagement and strengthening capacity towards effective environmental stewardship at all levels.

Tools in the Wildtracks tool kit include: endangered species rehabilitation and reintroduction, and technical support to strengthen national wildlife and protected area strategies and their implementation.


Wildtracks works to protect wildlife through strengthening habitat conservation, effective rescue and rehabilitation of endangered and threatened species, and community engagement. We partner with the local government and work with other nonprofit organizations, natural resource users, the tourism sector and communities toward a holistic approach to species conservation. 

  • Wildtracks works with its partners to strengthen conservation planning for threatened species in Belize through:

    • Working with the Forest Department to develop a Wildlife Strategy for the National Wildlife Program

    • Combating the illegal pet trade and other trafficking of endangered and threatened species in Belize

    • Engaging communities and schools across Belize in outreach activities to raise awareness of the wildlife laws of Belize

    • Strengthening recognition and enforcement of wildlife laws by enforcement agencies

    • Working with the Forest Department and conservation partners to revise the National Threatened Species list for Belize, for integration into the revised Wildlife Protection Act

    • Developing a framework for Species Conservation Planning for Belize

    • Developing the first Primate Conservation Plan for Belize

    • Providing technical input into the second Manatee Recovery Plan for Belize

Wildtracks is also the only facility in Belize to provide rehabilitation care for primates and manatees.

We accept any and all primates confiscated by the Belize Forest Department, as well any injured or orphaned primates, for rehabilitation and release back into the wild.

  • We are the only manatee rehabilitation facility in Central America, providing rehabilitation care and post-release tracking for orphaned and injured manatees

  • Both rehabilitation centers achieve and maintain world-class levels of success for both rehabilitation and release