Twycross Zoo Supporting Spider Monkey Reintroductions in Belize

Celebrating partnerships!

Twycross Zoo has supported the reintroduction of endangered Central American spider monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi) by Wildtracks, and released a short video celebrating the spider monkey release in the North East Biological Corridor in Belize.

Rewilding the North East Biological Corridor with these large, very mobile seed dispersers is not only an important strategy in the long term viability of this endangered species. It is also an important step in building resilience of the forest to climate change, ensuring that the drought-resistant trees and plants of northern Belize can move south over time to reinforce forest structures and ecosystem services as less resilient tree species are lost.

It is only through partners such as Twycross Zoo, investing in species conservation action in countries like Belize, and through the actions of individual donors, supporters and volunteers, that important species conservation work can be implemented on the ground.

Thank you, Twycross Zoo, for investing in the future of biodiversity in Belize!